
Online organ festival to promote popularity of instrument


Central Europe


Organ in Blackpool. Photo AFP, Paul Ellis

Organ fans could join an organ festival online. It is the first time that the organ world has organised such an event in the virtual world. Organisers host the online festival from Munich. It started on April 18 and will last until May 1.

The goal of the International Online Organ Festival is to bring famous organists, organ builders and organ professionals into contact with a broader public, Domradio reports. The organisers want to make more people enthusiastic about the instrument and its music by promoting organ music.

Sauer organ at the Berlin Cathedral in Berlin. Photo EPA, Clemens Bilan

The most important part of the event is a compilation of 35 videos in which organs in well-known Cathedrals are shown from several perspectives. Among the contributions are the Cathedral of Cologne, Vienna and Milan. In addition, several recordings were made in major international concert halls, such as the Hamburg Elbphilharmonie, Domradio writes.

One film shows the organs of the main churches of the seven Bavarian dioceses. One of them is the organ in the Regensburg Cathedral, one of the world's largest hanging organs.

Organ in the church of Pontaumur, France. Photo AFP, Philippe Desmazes

Much of the music played during the event is composed by the famous composer Johann Sebastian Bach, artistic director Hansjörg Albrecht says to Domradio. Yet, there is also room for pieces of music that belong to a specific culture or country.

The event was supposed to take place in 2021, which was considered the year of the organ. At that time, it had to be postponed for organisational reasons.



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