German alliance protests against new transgender law

Still from video DemoFürAlle. Photo screenshot YouTube
Central Europe
The governing Traffic Light coalition inGermany wants to replace the current transgender legislation with a "self-determination law". At the moment, it works on a draft version of the law. However, the organisation “Aktionsbündnis Ehe & Familie - DemoFürAlle” warns for negative consequences.
The new self-determination law removes the current requirements for gender reassignment. Thus, it makes the treatments available for all people, Hedwig von Beverfoerde says to IDEA. Von Beverfoerde is the spokeswoman of DemoFürAlle. She adds that everyone over 14 years old can undergo gender treatment without needing an expert's opinion.
Consequently, children are left to their own devices when it comes to these life-changing decisions, Von Beverfoerde explains. "They are not protected from possible wrong decisions with fatal consequences. On the contrary, these doors are deliberately opened to them."
Furthermore, the spokeswoman points out the dangers of gender reassignment. "Doctors rashly prescribe puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to minors. These drugs have long-term and sometimes irreversible side effects. Examples include cardiovascular diseases", she says to IDEA.
Video warns families of the dangers of gender reassignment
To protest against the "transgender hype", the organisation DemoFürAlle has published a video in German. In it, the dangers of gender reassignment are pointed out. "Harmful effects of puberty blockers, hormones and surgery are permanent", the video warns, according to Die Tagespost. The clip wants to make families aware of the dangers of gender reassignment.
Furthermore, DemoFürAlle points out in the video that the increase in the number of children and youngsters asking for gender reassignment is linked to peer pressure.
"Christians are equal to Fascists in their transphobia"
Sven Lehmann, the federal government's queer commissioner of Germany, shared an Instagram post equalising Protestants with Fascists. In it, Christians are accused of transphobia, PRO reports.
The Instagram post responded to an open letter by media skill strainer Stefanie Moers, which appeared in Emma Magazine. In it, Moers criticises the self-determination law that the government is working on.
In reaction, an activist named "Der Has im Pfeffer" criticised the open letter in a post on Instagram. "Every line of this letter is brimming with queer and transphobia, homophobia, adultism and parental power... The text could also come from protestant Christians and bourgeois fascists."
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