One in five Germans does not know meaning of Pentecost

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Central Europe
More than 20 per cent of the Germans do not know anymore what the meaning of Pentecost is. Among Christians, this percentage halts at 17 per cent, both among Catholics and Protestants.
That is shown by a representative survey on behalf of Die Tagespost. Most Germans (59 per cent) say that they do know what is celebrated at Pentecost. But 10 per cent says they are not sure, and 9 per cent refuse to give information.
Furthermore, the survey demonstrates that young people are less likely to know the meaning of the Christian holiday. Of the people between 18 to 29 years old, 33 per cent has no idea. In the group of 40 to 49 years old, this percentage is 23 per cent, while in the oldest group, only 14 per cent does not know what Pentecost means.
Among Protestants and Catholics, the number of people that do not know the meaning of Pentecost is a bit lower. Of both denominations, about 17 per cent says they have no idea. Of the respondents who belong to a free church, about 28 per cent do not know the meaning of Pentecost anymore. That is similar to the percentage of non-denominational Germans.
According to the Tagespost, FDP voters are the least familiar with Pentecost (32 per cent). They are followed closely by Leftwing supporters (31 per cent). Of the Germans that voted for the CDU, only 17 per cent said they did not know what Pentecost was about.
About 2,100 adults participated in the survey.
Prayer meeting for Pentecost
The German Evangelisches Allianzhaus Bad Blankenburg organises a prayer campaign in relation to Pentecost. It announced the event on its website. It is the third time that the meeting is held, the organisation writes. “We can ask for the Holy Spirit in diversity and unity for the people of God.” The event will take place on Monday, May 30.
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