God ought to be capitalised according to new Russian spelling rules

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Eastern Europe
Sergei Kravtsov, the Russian Minister of Education, proposes new spelling rules for the Russian language. One of the changes he proposes is capitalising the word “God”.
At the XXX International Educational Readings in the Kremlin, the minister said that the Russian Orthodoxy requests the capitalisation of the word “God”, just as is already done with the names of apostles, prophets and saints.” That is reported by Interfax.
According to Kravtsov, the current spelling rules of the Russian language date from 1956. At the time, no regulations were established for religious terms.
In August last year, the Russian government founded a special commission on the Russian language. Its goal was to establish the basic rules of Russian spelling.
Currently, the draft rules are in the stage where the public can give their opinion on them.
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