German experts warn against gender indoctrination by news agencies

Photo EPA, Arno Burgi
Central Europe
More than two hundred German physicians and scientists have called the public broadcasters ARD and ZDF to present “biological facts and scientific findings truthfully.” According to them, the broadcasters are biased by the gender ideology and use media to spread the theory.
The physicians and scientists warn in a public appeal that the media base their news on the “false claim” that there is not only one male and one female gender. Instead, they show “a variety of genders or intermediate stages between man and women.”
The Christian Dutch daily Reformatorisch Dagblad interviewed the German doctor Alexander Korte, a child and adolescent psychiatrist in Munich. According to Korte, there is misrepresentation and biased reporting. “In addition, scientists and critical thinkers are not heard, while questionable experts — mostly politically active stakeholders — are given a lot of space.” According to Korte, “listeners and viewers thus get a distorted picture of reality, based on refutable incorrect information.”
To show the arguments behind their appeal, the experts also published a long document. In it, they demonstrate how the public broadcasters spread the gender ideology. For example, they point out that ARD published a broadcast about a mouse that was born male but changed into a female.
German doctor Korte says that “media are pushing the idea of transgender lobby groups that a person can change their biological gender by identifying themselves socially as that gender.” Korte thinks that this is preparatory work for the new transgender law in Germany.
According to the initiators behind the appeal, the broadcasters violate the national State Media Treaty. They point out that the “reporting does not follow recognised journalistic principles because it is neither independent nor factual”, “claims are not carefully checked for truth and provenance before dissemination”, and “images and handouts from trans associations are adopted unchecked on Instagram and recommended to children.” Korte thinks this “fuels the trans hype”. “As a result, in less than ten years, twenty-five times as many children and young people in our country are undergoing treatment for gender confusion. This involves many more biological girls than boys; 85 per cent of those identified as trans are biological girls. This is an international phenomenon.”
The scientists furthermore warn that this can be dangerous because it creates a “distorted picture of reality”, as there is “a lack of critical questions.” The appeal, therefore, ends with a call to broadcasters to ensure that “public service broadcasting is appropriate, reported neutrally, truthfully and with respect for human dignity.”
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