Norway reviews abortion legislation

Photo ANP, Robin van Lonkhuijsen
Northern Europe
The Norwegian government has set up a committee that will assess the abortion law in the country. Not everyone is fond of the people on the committee.
The ruling Labor Party has called for the abolition of abortion committees and the extension of the right to self-determined abortion until the 18th week of pregnancy. Its coalition partner, the Center Party, however, is against it.
A committee has now been set up to assess the abortion law.
The government has prioritised heavy backgrounds in the health sector. This writes the Christian Norwegian daily Vart Land. There are no representatives from interest groups on the committee - although a number of organisations were invited to record names. As many as ten committee members have a heavy health professional background. Three are lawyers. Two of the ten with a health background have a field of ethics.
Two members of the committee are gynaecologists. That is a good thing, says Johanne Sommerchild Sundby. She is a medical doctor specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology. To Vart Land, Sundby says that it is the gynaecologist who works the most with abortions.
It is difficult to find good user representation in a sample like this, says Sundby. Still, she says that a group that does not have representation in the committee perhaps should get it. “Relatives who have experience with disabled children should perhaps be involved. Disabilities are part of the discussion about late abortions. Maybe they could come up with their experiences.”
Sundby does not mind that two committee members with a health background have ethics as a specialisation. She says many believe that a degree in theology or ethics gives more responsibility. Sundby disagrees with that. “No matter how you twist and turn it, abortion is a difficult topic. I think experiences and the lives you live give better answers than ethics.”
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