
“Judensau” Wittenberg stays


Central Europe


The controversial Judensau in Wittenberg. Photo EPA, Felipe Trueba

The so-called "Judensau" (Jew's Sow) will not be removed for the time being. Instead, the church council of the parish wants to present a new information board about the sculpture.

That is reported by the German Protestant press agency Idea based on an article in Die Welt. According to a spokesman of the parish of Wittenberg, the council wants to erect a board that asks Jewish people for forgiveness. In addition, the church community will take a more explicit stance against anti-Judaism and anti-Semitism. What will happen to the sculpture in the longer term still has to be decided.

The Jew's sow is a relief on the Wittenberg town church. It dates from the 13th century and shows Jews sucking the teats of a sow. It was intended to humiliate the Jews. In 1988, the parish covered the sculpture and distanced itself from the work. In 2020, a panel of experts recommended removing it altogether.



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