European Evangelicals try to stimulate religious freedom

Photo AFP, Johan Ordonez
European Union
The European Evangelical Alliance has published a document to mobilise Christians to preserve their freedom of religion. According to the association, the guide focuses mainly on practical possibilities to uphold the freedom of religion.
Everyone should know that they have the right to freedom of belief, the guide opens. “It is a vital right if people are to have a safe space to worship, to develop and live according to their beliefs and to share them”, the text continues, defining religious freedom. According to the new guide, this right extends to the private and public spheres.
First, the European Evangelical Alliance calls on its branches to do some preparatory work, even before difficulties concerning the right to freedom of belief arise. One aspect is ensuring Christians know their rights and who to contact if they get into trouble.
Another aspect of defending religious freedom is to keep a careful eye on developments that might conflict with religious freedom. Keeping in touch with the authorities and notifying them about any potential problems is also an essential part of this step.
The European Evangelical Alliance does not only want to stand up for the freedom of the Christian religion, reports. “Everyone is responsible for ensuring that the freedom of others is equally respected.”
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