Young Germans are more religious than older ones, survey shows
Central Europe

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Central Europe
A survey shows that 64 per cent of young Germans believe in God, and 84 per cent have prayed at least once.
These numbers are remarkable, considering the continuous annual decline in membership of both the Protestant and Catholic church.
INSA, a German institute for political research, did a study commissioned by German daily Bild. The study shows that 48 per cent of Germans believe in God, while 42 per cent do not. In the latter group, one in four is not entirely sure that God does not exist. In total, one in three Germans claim that they have had at least one “supernatural experience”.
The survey, conducted until Easter, also showed that 90 per cent of the members of free churches say that they are sure God exists. That number drops to 75 per cent among members of the Catholic church. The Protestant church (EKD) comes in last, with 64 per cent of members believe in the existence of God.
Hermann Binkert, the director of INSA, commented to Bild: The survey shows that church membership and belief in God not necessarily belong together. The younger generation, which is further away from the church, is more religious than older generations who belong to a church and were baptised.