Church goers Austria allowed to sing again

Singing in a church in Denmark. Photo AFP, Nils Meilvang
Central Europe
In the run-up to the end of the lockdown by the Austrian government on May 19th, Minister of Culture Susanne Raab has reached an agreement with all churches and religious communities to sing again.
While existing measures as wearing an FFP2 mask, social distancing of two metres and sufficient disinfectant continue to apply, liturgical singing will be possible again. This writes the Catholic news website
Although singing is possible again from May 19th onward, it must be "reduced in terms of its duration and scope". Choir singing in church services is only possible if evidence of low epidemiological risk is provided. Apart from that, attendees must prove whether they have been vaccinated, tested or recovered from corona. When singing, wearing an FFP2 mask is required.
The recent numbers of Covid infections in Austria are declining. Saturday, 644 new cases were reported in all of Austria. It was 231 days ago, on September 27th, that the number of new infections was this low.