Medical Association Germany against legalisation cannabis

People take part in the Cannabis Parade (Hanfparade) in front of the Reichstag building in Berlin, Germany. The Cannabis Parade is a demonstration to support the legalization of soft drugs. Photo EPA, Alexander Becher
Central Europe
It is one of the most important goals of the traffic light government in Germany: the legalisation of cannabis use. However, German medical professionals warn against this move.
The Bundesärztekammer (German Medical Association) refers to a study of the Hamburg Institute for Interdisciplinary Addiction and Drug Research. The research, commissioned by the German Health Minister, shows that the legalisation of cannabis leads to "the trivialisation of a drug that has been proven to be addictive and can lead to serious developmental damage, especially in adolescents and young adults," says Klaus Reinardt, the president of the German Medical Association, in a press release. Therefore, his organisation pleads for a "fundamental reconsideration of the plans."
The cannabis proposal of the traffic light coalition specifies that adults should be allowed to carry 25 grams of cannabis with them legally. In addition, non-profit associations or cannabis clubs may produce the drug for sale. Citizens may own up to three plants at home.
If drug use is legalised, more young people will see it as innocent, the Medical Association suspects. However, its negative effects have clearly been proven by the report, Die Tagespost writes. Young people who use cannabis recreationally need more medical help. In addition, the number of traffic incidents in which drivers are under the influence of cannabis increases. Also, if the drug is legalised, more people will start using it.
Therefore, Reinhardt appeals to the Minister of Health to reconsider his plans. "Instead of legalisation, which causes great concern for doctors, Germany needs a drug policy focusing more on prevention and help offers for young people."
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