Youth of Dutch Christian party protests against cooperation with populists

Members of PerspectieF, the youth movement of the political party Christian Union. Third in front from the left is Mirjam Bikker, the national party leader. Photo Facebook, PerspectieF, ChristenUnie-jongeren
Western Europe
Taking responsibility sometimes means saying no, for example, against a political agreement with a populist party, the youth group of the Dutch party Christian Union argue.
In the Dutch province of Flevoland, the Christian Union and the Reformed SGP party reached a coalition agreement with the Party for Freedom, PVV. This party is primarily known for its strong opposition against incoming migrants, and very critical of the Islam.
According to the youth group of the Christian Union, PerspectieF, these values are contrary to the party program of the Christian Union itself. “The PVV does not respect freedom of religion but tears it down, encourages discrimination and increases division in our country”, the young Christian Union members write in a statement on their website. According to them, the Christian Union does not belong in an agreement with such a party. To emphasise their opinion, they want to organise an extraordinary congress to explicitly express their formal opposition against the provincial coalition.
National CU minister Carola Schouten, responsible for poverty policies, among other things, says to find it an “uncomfortable” idea that her party will cooperate with the PVV on a provincial level. Yet, she stresses that this choice is up to the provincial branch of the party, CVandaag writes.
At the national level, the Christian Union is in a coalition in which also the Social-Liberal D66 participates. In the discussion, party members who are critical of the cooperation with the PVV, regularly receive the question whether D66 is any better. This party is known for its secularist approach to “life and death” issues and very positive about LGBT rights.
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