"Austrian euthanasia law does not go far enough"

At the moment, it is punishable to "kill on demand". People who want to die must take the deadly medicine themselves. Photo AFP, Sebastien Bozon
Central Europe
The recently introduced euthanasia law in Austria does not go far enough, according to some. They are going to court.
Since 2022, Austria has allowed assisted suicide to people who are terminally ill or have a debilitating condition. But according to the Austrian Society for a Humane End of Life (ÖGHL), this legislation does not go far enough. At the moment, it is punishable to "kill on demand". People who want to die must take the deadly medicine themselves. But, according to the ÖGHL, this puts people who have muscle diseases at a disadvantage. They can make decisions but may not be able to take the drug themselves.
The organisation is now going to court with this argument. They use an individual application, hoping to make the Constitutional Court rule in their favour.
The lawyer for the association, Wolfram Proksch, also wants the advertising ban on euthanasia overturned. He sees that as a ban on communication and information. Proksch, whose initiative brought down the ban on assisted suicide as early as 2020, sees no fundamental difference in whether someone takes a lethal drug themselves or is helped by third parties due to illness. He even thinks that "the possibility of active euthanasia is life-prolonging" because the person concerned can then take advantage of euthanasia at a later point in time with support.
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