Anti-vaxxers may not wear yellow star in German Bavaria

The anti-corona yellow star as bumper sticker. Photo Twitter
Central Europe
You may be against corona vaccination. But you are not allowed to express this by wearing the yellow badge, as if you were a Jew in the Hitler era.
That decision by the Supreme Court in the German state Bavaria was published on Wednesday by Legal Tribune Online.
The anti-vaxxers and corona deniers like it to compare themselves with the victims of the Third Reich. Also, the Holocaust started with the exclusion from society. But the Supreme Court says that the use of the so-called Jewish stars by corona deniers and others who feel persecuted, can in the future lead to convictions for downplaying the Holocaust.

Until now, the courts were not willing to come to such a firm decision like this. The idea behind this was that the yellow badge was not about the mass killing of the Jews but only about their exclusion from their rights. But according to the Bavarian judges, the star symbolises the entire Holocaust.
Not punishable
The decision of the Supreme Court does not make the yellow badge punishable for anti-vaxxers. But this verdict could lead to punishment in the future, writes the Süddeutsche Zeitung.
In the spring of this year, the German commissioner for antisemitism, Felix Klein, called for legal action against wearing the yellow badge in the context of corona.
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