German day care centre in clinch with lesbian couple
Central Europe

Homosexual couple with child (not related to the article). Photo AFP, Jeff Pachoud
Central Europe
A German day care centre in Apen, Lower Saxony, has been under attack. A lesbian couple feels hurt by the fact that the couple that runs the facility is “convinced that it is God’s plan that husbands and wives should form a marriage community.”
Idea reports that the lesbian couple that is expecting a child in July contacted the day care with the request to have its child taken care of from summer 2023. Kris Elling (46), who runs the facility with his wife Maike (46), invited the couple in an e-mail to come and see the care centre. Elling pointed out that he and his wife are “believers”. In the e-mail, he also described his view on marriage between males and females.
The two women, however, were offended by his response. “It is a form of discrimination; it does not work at all”, they said to the Nordwest-Zeitung. At the same time, they say that they continually experience discrimination. They have already been expelled from discos and pubs.
Elling says to Idea that the e-mail was not meant to hurt the couple. “It appears to have been understood. We don’t want to discriminate against anyone”, he states. According to him, all children are welcome, regardless of faith or family background. However, Elling says, he wanted to prevent any misunderstanding about the fact that the facility is run according to the Christian image of man. At the day care, the children sing Christian songs and learn to pray. According to Elling, parents receive these activities well. “We see every child as unique and valuable. Our motto is: Because God loves people, we also want to love people.”
Elling and his wife tell Idea that other Christians, parents and friends have given him broad support for his position. On Facebook, however, most of the reactions were critical of his statement. Elling: “We are aware of our broad circle of supporters.”
Elling and his wife belong to the Evangelical Free Church in Augustfehn.