Pope thinks human dignity should be central in bioethics

Photo AFP, Alberto Pizzoli
Southern Europe
Pope Francis wants biomedical research to be based on human dignity. "It is not a question of slowing down technological progress. No, it is a question of accompanying it, of protecting both human dignity and progress."
The Pope said so in a video message for his monthly prayer request in March. According to him, humanity "cannot pay the price of progress with human dignity". Both belong "harmoniously" together.
As an example, the Pope used human embryos. According to him, these embryos cannot be treated as disposable or waste material. Spreading this idea does so much damage, according to the 85-year old. He continued by saying that economic profit should not determine biomedical research. This reports the Catholic Austrian news website Kathpress.
Bioethics confronts people with many problems to which they have to find answers. "We cannot stick our heads in the sand like the ostrich," said the Pope. "Biotechnological applications must always be used while respecting human dignity," is the Pope's demand, according to the Italian news portal SIR.
The Pope concluded by calling on Christians to pray. "In the face of the new challenges presented by bioethics, let us pray that Christians, through their prayer and their social action, promote the defence of life."
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