In Portugal and Spain, Christians speak out against prostitution

Protest against prostitution. Photo Oscar Del Pozo.
Southern Europe
Prostitution should be abolished. That is the opinion of Christians in both Portugal and Spain. According to them, prostitution violates women's rights to the integrity of their bodies.
The Spanish Protestant organisation Diaconia welcomes the decision of the Spanish Congress of Deputies, which passed a bill for the abolition of prostitution and the prohibition of pimping in all its forms. That is reported by Actualidad Evangelica. On Tuesday, the Congress took the first step to open the debate on prostitution in a country that is known for its significant number of prostitutes.
Diaconia says to celebrate the fact that the bill made it through the voting. However, it notes that only forbidding prostitution and pimping is insufficient to overcome the problem. Instead, Diaconia argues that criminalisation should be essential to the fight against prostitution. The organisation proposes that "facilitators" of prostitution should be prosecuted. Facilitators could be the landlord of locations where prostitutes work, but also websites that advertise prostitution and people who profit in any way from the prostitution of others.
Furthermore, the organisation pleads for education that creates awareness of the "existing gender order, marked by "a certain construction of masculinity and sexuality."
Altogether, it is crucial to focus on the victims when establishing new public policies, the organisation writes in the statement. These people should have the possibility to step out.
Portuguese Catholics oppose regulation of prostitution
Also, in Portugal, Christians raise their voice against prostitution. That is reported by Agencia Ecclesia.
There the Catholic Workers League/Christian Workers Movement (LOC/MTC) voted in favour of a motion that opposes the regulation of Prostitution in Portugal, which liberalises the rules for prostitutes.
The LOC/MTC argues in the motion that prostitution "is not and cannot be considered as work like any other." Therefore, it rejects "the commodification of the body as if it were something natural" and cannot "legitimise the business of human beings, where human trafficking is intensifying."
The organisation states that economic interests, ownership, and domination should not overrule the value of human lives.
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