Christian MEP calls for sober lifestyle to save energy

EP Bert-Jan Ruissen. Photo European Parliament
European Union
Technical measures to save energy are not sufficient. People must change their lifestyles to live more sustainably. That is the opinion of the conservative Christian MEP Bert-Jan Ruissen.
He made his statement after the European Parliament proposed to set up guidelines for the insulation of houses. According to Ruissen, the necessity of house insulation is self-evident, and rules are not necessary.
Instead, he argues that people should change their lifestyle to be able to live a really sustainable life. “In the debate on energy saving, I miss something essential, namely the call to soberness.”
Ruissen points out that Westerners have become significant consumers of energy. “The hunger after an even bigger house, a larger car and a more luxurious holiday cannot be satisfied.”
The MEP quotes Thomas à Kempis, who said that "A proud and avaricious man never rests, whereas he who is poor and humble of heart lives in a world of peace."
He thinks that the attempts to save energy should reach further. “Technical measures are insufficient. Our way of life must change. Not only to save energy but also to find inner peace and peace with God.”
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