German AfD party proposes ban for puberty blockers

Photo AFP, Olivier Douliery
Central Europe
The German right-wing AfD party wants to ban puberty blockers in a reaction to a controversial statement from the Ministry of Family Affairs. According to several parties, the Ministry promotes puberty blockers for transgender minors.
German clinics treating people with gender dysphoria recorded a fivefold increase in patients from 2013 to 2018. The number of drug treatments for children and adolescents with “puberty blockers” has also increased accordingly. According to Mariana Harder-Kühnel, a deputy AfD spokeswoman, these puberty blockers threaten children’s health. She, therefore, calls for a study “that comprehensively examines the consequences of such treatments”.
With their critique, the right-wing AfD party is joining the row caused by an information campaign by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. The Regenbogenportal (Rainbow Portal) published an information page about the possibility of taking puberty blockers. That caused a stir among politicians and on social networks. Former Federal Justice Minister Julia Klöckner criticised the portal as well. “That’s crazy,” tweeted the CDU politician on the fact that the federal government “recommends” puberty blockers. In her tweet, she emphasises that the information is specifically aimed at “very young, insecure people”.
Das ist doch irre - sollte das kein Fake sein: Bundesregierung empfiehlt sehr jungen, unsicheren Menschen Pubertäts-Blocker
— Julia Klöckner (@JuliaKloeckner) October 12, 2022
These blockers delay the onset of puberty and are prescribed by doctors to prevent children from going through puberty that does not match their gender identity. After that, hormone replacement therapy could begin for transgender people. If the blockers are stopped, puberty will occur.
The AfD also wants an investigation into the Rainbow portal. Such projects should, according to the AfD, be reviewed to determine the extent to which they promote the “trans hype” and thus contradict the goal of protecting children and young people in the media. The government must ensure “that the contents of such portals represent the scientific findings and therapeutic positions factually”.
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