Much enthusiasm for free mediator in case of impending fight divorce

Photo EPA, Olivier Hoslet
Western Europe
Three-quarters of Dutch people would greatly appreciate a free mediator in the event of a divorce or a severe relationship conflict with or without children.
This reports the Dutch daily Algemeen Dagblad. It writes about a survey commissioned by the Reformed SGP party.
On Monday, based on this survey, SGP leader Kees van der Staaij submitted a proposal in the Lower House to subsidise two-year relationship mediation for everyone. Because of the costs, prospective ex-spouses often refrain from this mediation, leading to divorce. According to the survey, one in five couples now uses a relationship mediator or psychological support. If this is reimbursed, 50 per cent more do go to a mediator.
Currently, relationship therapy is only reimbursed from basic health insurance if a psychological disorder plays a role in the problems. Some insurers do it from supplementary insurance, and some municipalities also play a role in this.
Many of the questioned people were concerned about the children in case of a messy divorce. Nearly two-thirds (69 per cent) would welcome a third party for children. Forty per cent of people questioned think the government should work on discouraging divorces where children are involved.
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