
Russian Church wants more state measures to preserve values


Eastern Europe


Photo EPA, Alexander Nemenov

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree to preserve traditional Russian values earlier this month. However, this is only the beginning if it is up to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Additional measures may be required to preserve and strengthen traditional values, Vladimir Legoyda, chairman of the Synodal Department for Church Relations, said, as reported by Tass.ru. The goal of national law is to develop a “valuable environment where a person can develop both spiritually and intellectually, the chairman said.

The new decree on traditional values is a continuation of amendments made to the Constitution, Legoyda stated. He added that this decree does not close the topic of traditional values but rather continues it. “Perhaps, life will require us to take some more steps in the general cultural field and the legislative.”

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree this month to preserve and strengthen Russian values. Patriotism, service to the Fatherland and moral ideals are the basis of traditional values, Tass writes. The Russian authorities see gay propaganda as a threat to these values and classify it as destructive to Russian society. Furthermore, the West is portrayed as depraved. Russia is presented as a state that “preserves and protects traditional human values.”



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