
Documentary film about sex trafficking starts travel through Europe


European Union


The new documentary film Buying her shows the implications of sex trafficking for both men and women. Photo Buying her

A new documentary film about prostitution and sex trafficking will be shown in several European cities in June. It starts in Paris and goes to Madrid, Amsterdam, Berlin and Budapest.

With this film, “Buying her”, the organisation Exodus Cry shows what the motivations and stories of consumers of paid sex are. Exodus Cry fights against human trafficking and sexual exploitation. It has made several films about that.

“Buying her” deciphers the lives and motivations of men purchasing prostitution, and the influences at play, such as pornography. This documentary, which gives them a voice, offers a new angle on human trafficking, that of demand, hoping to raise viewers’ awareness of this scourge. The film features men sharing their stories of purchasing sex and includes reenactments of sex buying and sexual assault.

The organisation claims that “Buying her” is the “first documentary ever” to explore the lives of sex buyers and what drives them. Through raw firsthand accounts from both sex buyers and trafficking survivors, the film lays bare the men’s journeys from childhood exposure to pornography, to becoming hardened predators to what ultimately turned their lives around.

The film takes one hour and will be followed by a discussion with experts on the issue. Also, the film’s producer, Benjamin Nolot, will be there. Organisations that have helped finance the movie will show themselves there as well. Tickets for the shows are available at the Buying her website.


The screenings also aim to bring together different stakeholders or NGOs working on the ground with trafficking. “I am determined to bring change and hope to this dark place in our society,” says Colline Aubry, coordinator of some events for Exodus Cry.

Experts estimate that nearly 25 million people are victims of human trafficking around the world, with almost 5 million of those being sex trafficking victims. Experts fear that as laws get closer to legalising prostitution, more victims of human trafficking are at risk.



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