Holland and Germany consider mandatory Covid vaccination

Compulsory vaccination: yes or no. That's the question of many countries at this moment. Photo AFP, Ina Fassbender
Central Europe
The Dutch Ministers of Economic Affairs and Climate, Social Affairs, and Employment see vaccination as the structural way out of the worldwide health crisis. Therefore, they advise the cabinet to research the pros and cons of mandatory vaccinations, the Reformatorisch Dagblad reports.
The Departments point out that the psychological health of the Dutch population is under pressure. Also, the Dutch economy suffers the consequences of the health crisis. Therefore, it is essential to get a grip on the virus as soon as possible, the Ministers argue.
The Reformed Senator Diederick van Dijk expects that mandatory vaccination will not help to convince people to take the vaccine. Van Dijk is also director of the NPV, a Christian health care association. He thinks that keeping the basic Covid rules, like social distancing, is more effective to control the virus.
Earlier, the Dutch minister of Health, Hugo de Jonge, said in an interview with the Reformatorisch Dagblad that vaccination would never become mandatory. “Not now and not ever.” Van Dijk is concerned that De Jonge will not keep this promise. “That decreases confidence in the government.”
The German Ethical Council agrees with mandatory vaccination for a large part of the population, German media as Pro report this. Earlier, Chancellor Olaf Scholz pleaded for this. It is expected that the German parliament will vote about the case at the beginning of next year.
The German government had asked the Ethical Council for advice regarding the expansion of mandatory vaccination, which is already in force for specific jobs.
The majority of the council supports the extension of the law, but only under certain conditions. For example, Germans should be allowed to choose which vaccine they receive.
Some council members questioned which groups should be forced to take a vaccine. Thirteen out of twenty members argued that the legislation could only apply to adults; others claimed it should only come into force for people who risk severe illness.
Earlier, Austria introduced mandatory vaccinations. The legislation there will come into force next February.
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