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Sunday is considered the first day of the week. It is the Christian holiday. Read the articles about Sunday on this page.
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Why is the Sunday important for Christians?
Christians see the Sunday as their holiday, just like the Jews celebrate their Sabbath and Muslims their holy day on Friday.
Christians believe that Jesus Christ has risen on Sunday. Also, the apostles met on the first day of the week after Jesus' resurrection. Hence, the tradition of Sunday as a holy day arose.
How do Christians celebrate the Sunday?
Sunday celebrations may differ from country to country and culture to culture. However, one of the common denominators is that Christians go to church that day.
Some Christians believe that, like the Jews on their Sabbath, one should not work on Sunday. Therefore, some stores may be closed for this reason. A number of conservative Christians, for example, in the Dutch Bible belt, do not go shopping on Sunday either. They want to keep it as a day of rest.