Liberalisation Norwegian abortion law seems off the table

The Norwegian parliament in Oslo. Photo EPA, Hakon Mosvold Larse
Northern Europe
The plan to liberalise the abortion legislation in Norway this spring will not get enough support. The Labour Party has given the thumbs down. Because of this, there are not enough votes for the change.
Even before the proposal is discussed by the Storting (parliament), it is clear that this attempt to change the law will not work. The Christian news platform Norge Idag reports that.
The Social Democrats came to this position because the party’s parliamentary group has chosen to follow a request from the government to wait for a study of the tribunal system in the current abortion law. “I have confidence that the committee will be in place during the spring, as the Minister of Health has said, and that that committee will make a thorough investigation of what are the most important points for the Labour Party”, said Cecilie Myrseth, who is the party’s health policy spokesperson.
At the same time, the Labour Party is still in favour of reviewing the regulations for abortion in Norway. Currently, abortion is legal until the 12th week of pregnancy. After this, a special committee has to speak with the woman to see whether the abortion is really voluntary and necessary. Some parties find that humiliating and plead for more freedom. But as things are now in Norway, there is no consensus on what the direction must be.
In March, the Liberal Party submitted a proposal to change the self-determination limit in the 1978 Abortion Act from 12 to 18 weeks. In addition, they challenge the rules for late abortions by proposing that a committee “study alternatives to the current committee system in the event of a miscarriage after week 18, with a view to a more trust-based system with respect for women’s choices.”
There will be a hearing about the proposal from the Liberal Party this week. In May, the health committee will give a recommendation, reports Dagen.
The reform of abortion legislation has been in debate in Norway for quite some time.
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