Bible available in 3495 languages worldwide

Bible translating team. Photo Facebook, Wycliffe Bible Translators UK and Ireland
Christian Life
According to Wycliffe, an organisation that translates the Bible into different languages, the Word of God was available in 3495 languages at the end of 2021.
That is reported by the Dutch daily Reformatorisch Dagblad. According to Wycliffe, the New Testament was translated into eight Tanzanian languages last year. Furthermore, it was published in four languages in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Wycliffe writes so in their yearly report that was published recently.
Despite the Covid pandemic and political resistance in different countries and regions, the translators were able to continue their work. In addition, the organisation received more money than in 2020. Last year, 2.8 million euros could be spent on translating programs, while in 2019, this was only 1.9 million euros.
Bible needs to be translated into almost 2000 more languages
The work of the organisation is not nearly done. There are still 1892 languages in which the Bible needs to be translated. The head of Wycliffe says that the organisation works hard to change that. “We are looking forward to the day that everyone can read the Bible in their own language.”
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