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A bowl of liquid and a rock-hard hunk of bread. That was pastor Lavooij’s daily breakfast when he was imprisoned in Czechoslovakia for two months for smuggling Bibles and other reading material.
Children must honour their parents. But how can you be such an honourable leader of your family? This is the way.
NewsRound Europe is CNE’s news podcast. It has a bulletin with some remarkable news topics from the European continent. And at the end, we have a Question & Answer with a colleague about an article.
Good news is no news. That is what cynical journalists say. But for a Christian, this is not all, says pastor René Breuel in his first CNE column.
Indeed, all racism is wrong. But anti-Semitism is a unique evil, Avi Snyder says in reply to Jack Nassar. The hate against Jews makes God to a liar, says the Jewish evangelist in response to the Palestinian Christian.
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