More slavery in Switzerland

Ukrainian refugees. They are particularly vulnerable to human trafficking and exploitation. Photo AFP, Wojtek Radwanski
Central Europe
Human trafficking is an increasing problem in Switzerland. ‘Slaves’ are not only found in the world of prostitution, but exploitation takes place in several branches of employment.
The number of people affected by slavery increases yearly, Idea writes. According to the news agency, it is hard to come up with actual statistics, as many exploitation cases are never reported.
Remarkable is that more and more people are enslaved in private households, cleaning companies and the hospitality industry, Idea writes. Also, in the agricultural sector and asylum shelters, abuse takes place.
Vulnerable Ukrainian women
The Russo-Ukrainian war contributes to human trafficking. The Federal office for Refugees warns, especially for victims of slavery from Ukraine. Women are vulnerable, particularly during their flight and after arriving at their destination. The office calls receiving countries to take as many precautions as possible to prevent women from being exploited. Ensuring clear and accessible information is essential, Idea writes.
To combat human exploitation, ten associations will organise a campaign to inform Swiss people about slavery and show them how they can contribute to the fight against trafficking.
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