Dutch Cardinal: Chastity is not ridiculous

Cardinal Wim Eijk. Photo RD
Western Europe
Struggling with sexuality has only one answer: the virtue of chastity. That is the advice of the Dutch Roman Catholic Cardinal Wim Eijk. Homosexuality is unnatural and morally evil, he says.
"Chastity does not limit freedom but gives inner freedom to make difficult choices in life, for example, concerning sexual abstinence."
In a time where ethical views on marriage and sexuality are shifting, he defends the traditional doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church concerning these issues. The traditional teaching about sexuality is that it only belongs to one man and one woman within the bond of matrimony. To promote this position, Eijk published a book in Dutch called "De band van de liefde. Katholieke huwelijksmoraal en seksuele ethiek" (The bond of love. Catholic marriage morals and sexual ethics"). Initially, he would have presented it during a public presentation. However, the announcement thereof attracted attention of so many people of a different opinion, that Eijk decided to cancel the event.
In modern society, there is much confusion on ethical dilemmas, such as marriage and sexuality, Cardinal Wim Eijk notices. Secularisation and loss of faith cause many to no longer see marriage as God's creation but rather as something instituted by man. "Sexual and marriage ethics have therefore plunged into a crisis."
According to God's image
The institute of marriage is closely linked to Who God is, Cardinal Eijk points out in an interview with the Dutch daily Reformatorisch Dagblad. "Marriage has been created according to God's image and likeness. God in Himself is a communion of three Persons Who give themselves to each other and receive each other in love." According to Eijk, man and woman reflect this relationship in their marriage: "They complement each other and together they can realise reproduction of life."
In former times, the emphasis on sexual reproduction as the end of marriage was even stronger for the Roman Catholic Church. Nowadays, the Church also focuses on mutual support between men and women. Yet, Cardinal Eijk says, the doctrine has not changed. "Reproduction, the passing on of life, is included in the mutual self-giving of man and woman."
Sun of God's grace
Homosexuality is unnatural and morally evil, Cardinal Eijk writes in his book. Therefore, he rejects the decision of the Flemish bishops, who recently decided that same-sex marriages should also receive a blessing in church. "To be able to bless, not only your intention should be good, but also the thing you are blessing. You cannot bless a morally evil act. The sun of God's grace does not shine upon the path of sin", Eijk says to the Reformatorisch Dagblad. He explains that the problem with homosexual relationships is that partners cannot give themselves to each other completely. "There cannot be total self-surrender without the possibility of sexual reproduction. That is impossible for same-sex couples."
The duty of the church towards people who struggle with their homosexual orientation is to help them to deal with their feelings, so they can "live according to the doctrine of the church." According to Cardinal Eijk, it is essential that the church shows respect and empathy while proclaiming Christ and the truth. "Homosexuals should feel welcome in church. We should not judge them."
Another point that Cardinal Eijk deals with in his book is the gender theory. That theory is based on the idea that people can separate the role of men and women entirely from their biological sexuality. As a result, terms like father, mother, son and daughter lose their meaning.
The gender theory is incompatible with the Christian faith, Eijk believes. "We proclaim a God Who reveals Himself as the Father, Whose Son became man for us. Mary was overshadowed by the Holy Ghost and became the mother of the Son while being a virgin. These terms become vague when boundaries between man and woman evaporate."
The struggles with sexuality can be genuine, the Cardinal acknowledges. He advises those people to develop the virtue of chastity. "That gives inner freedom to make difficult choices in life", he explains.
Even though the development of chastity can be hard, Eijk is convinced that God will bless the efforts of those who strive for it. "When God requests something of you, He will also enable you to do so. Once chastity is developed, there is no need for control anymore; then we have the power over our sexual instincts and impulses."
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