Outcry in Moldavia about new LGBT campaign in schools

Pupils in line during the opening ceremony of scholar year at theoretic lyceum named after Moldovan writer Gheorghe Asachi in Chisinau, Moldova. Photo EPA, Dumitru Doru
Eastern Europe
A campaign called “LGBT children in your school” has led to many critiques in Moldova. Both the Orthodox Church of Moldova and parents speak out against the promotion of LGBT values in schools.
Propaganda of the LGBT agenda and its development is unacceptable, both socially and from a Christian point of view, Metropolitan Vladimir of Chisinau and All Moldova wrote in a statement. The “LGBT children in your school” campaign is developed by the GENDERDOC-M Information Center and aims at making children “aware of the rights of LGBT children”, as Sphzwrites.
However, the Metropolitan sees the action as a tendency to “elevate homosexuality to the rank of normality.” That is dangerous, according to the head of the Orthodox Church of Moldova. “The Holy Scripture states unequivocally: homosexuality is a sin.” He warns that the “LGBT propaganda” is a “harsh attack” on the family institution, but also on moral values and ethical norms. He predicts a spiritual self-destruction of humanity if it continues in this direction.
Metropolitan Vladimir stresses that the Church does not want to incite hatred but only attempts to defend Christian values and traditions. He calls Moldovan believers to sign an online petition that calls for a ban on the LGBT campaign in schools.
Concerned parents launched the petition. They see the LGBT values promoted by the campaign as aiming at the “molestation of minors and the normalisation of non-traditional relations in society.” Furthermore, they argue that they will regard the involuntary exposal of children to the LGBT promoting lessons as a threat to psychological health and appeal to the authorities if it is not cancelled. “We inform about an open boycott of all initiatives related to LGBT propaganda in schools. If necessary, we will draw up a collective appeal to higher structures.”
It is not the first time that Moldovans have protested LGBT actions. In May, the Metropolitan of Chisinau and All Moldova called for a ban on the Solidarity March of the LGBT community. He did so in a statement, published on his website. According to the Metropolitan, the parade “abusively and publicly defied the values of the majority of Moldovan society.”
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