Upheaval about Italian senator who opposes homosexuality with Bible text

Meloni. Photo AFP, Alberto Pizzoli
Southern Europe
The Italian senator Lucio Malan from the ruling party Brothers of Italy received the question of why he was opposed to homosexuality and same-sex marriage. But when he cited Bible texts to support his view on these matters, he was overwhelmed by a storm of criticism.
The opposition parties even demanded that Italy's Prime Minister Meloni dismiss Malan, who belongs to her party, CVandaag reports, based on an article from Evangelical Focus.

Recently, Lucio Malan voted against a new same-sex marriage proposal and a bill granting LGBT people in Italy more rights. In reaction, public broadcaster Rai 1 questioned his personal opinion on sexuality and marriage, Evangelical Focus writes.
During the broadcast, Malan was asked why he opposes same-sex marriage and the adoption of children by such couples when the Waldensian Church he belongs to accepts it. He then responded that the church is founded on the Bible and not on what its leadership decides. In response, the presenter asked him to prove that the Bible condemns homosexuality. Malan replied with Leviticus 18, verse 22, which reads: "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman, it is an abomination."
That statement caused much controversy in political circles, Evangelical Focus reports. The former government party, Five Star Movement, called Malan's opinion "despicable" and "bewildering". Other parties called for his dismissal and demanded that Prime Minister Meloni speak out on the issue.
Malan defended himself by saying he had the right to express his Christian views respectfully. "I am against 'equal marriage' for same-sex couples because it would entail the right to adoption. And I think children should have a father and a mother, as given by nature. If one asks me how I justify this position as a Christian, I quote the Bible", he tweeted.
Furthermore, Malan points out that he will continue to defend both his right to defend religious freedom and sexual freedom, as both are protected in Italy.
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