
Dutch population growth doubled in 2022


Western Europe


Dutch refugee camps have been overflowing with people. Some of them even had to sleep outside for several nights. Photo ANP, Ramon van Flymen

The overall population grew twice as fast last year compared to 2021.

While the number of deaths has risen in the Netherlands, immigration remains a key factor for the sharp increase. The national statistics bureau (CBS) said that at least 402,000 have moved to the Netherlands last year, according to Reformatorisch Dagblad. This is at least 150,000 more than 2021. Approximately 100,000 were migrants who have fled Ukraine during the war. The largest increases were also seen among migrants from Syria, Turkey, India, and Poland. Without immigration, almost all municipalities would have experienced a decline because the number of deaths exceeded the birth rate. At least 169,000 died in 2022. Additionally, 11,000 fewer babies were born last year than in 2021, which brought the overall births to 168,000.

Domestic relocations

According to the NL Times, the larger cities experienced the fastest growth. Eindhoven and Almere made it to the top in population growth, while Rotterdam and Breda fell below the national average. In Groningen, Randstad, and even Eindhoven, increasing number of people had moved out of these cities. Out of the 344 municipalities, only nine experienced decreases in population growth. Many of these areas were located near the borders of Belgium and Germany as well as along the coast. When it comes to provinces, Flevoland had the fastest growth with 22 new people per one thousand inhabitants. It also experienced more robust population growth, due to immigration and “domestic relocations.” Noord-Holland, Zuid-Holland, and Utrecht had also made it to the top in terms of population increases.

In the coming years, the population in the Netherlands is expected to grow, as reported by CBS. By next year, the population will have reached 18 million, and in 2034, it is expected to exceed 19 million. Longer lifespans and migration will account for future growth. By 2040, at least a quarter of the Dutch population will be over 65 years old.



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