
Norwegian professor resigns after trans conflict


Northern Europe


Professor Anne Kalvig leaves the academic world because she feels there is no tolerance for her conservative view on gender. Photo Facebook, Anne Kalvig

Professor Anne Kalvig does not acknowledge transgender women as female. Now she has resigned from her position.

There is no longer room for people like her in the academic world, the professor of religious studies at the University of Stavanger believes. Kalvig had been working at the university for 25 years when she wrote her letter of resignation recently, Vart Land writes. But according to the professor, there is "a widespread culture of fear that makes people not dare to say what they think."

The reason for her leave is that she has been the target "for a smear campaign", Kalvig states in her letter. The professor strongly believes that the "objective, material reality" must determine legislation, also when it comes to gender. Therefore, she argues that not everyone has the right to call themselves a woman.

In addition, Kalvig is the deputy chair of a women's organisation in Norway, WDI Norway. This association also propagates the idea that it is discrimination against women and their rights when trans women can also call themselves female.


Kalvig's opinion has led to strong reactions. In her letter of resignation, she even speaks of bullying and harassment over time. For example, a Norwegian TV personality called her a "rabies-infected TERF squirrel who blindly and cackingly follows her demented leader Ellingsen", Dagen writes. And even the Minister for Equality at the time, Anette Trettebergstuen, liked the post.

In addition, several colleagues have attacked Kalvig on social media; the professor continues in her letter of resignation. For instance, some called her an authoritarian head of state, far-right, and a danger to democracy. Especially gender researchers were fierce in their attacks.

Marginal group

"The main reason why I have to leave now is that there is no room for people like me at the University of Stavanger or in academia as a whole", Kalvig emphasises in the letter. She is also critical of the fact that her senior manager says that she represents a marginal group and prevents an enlightened exchange of words when she tries to lead a factual debate, Vart Land states.

The rector writes in an e-mail to the newspaper that he is sorry that Kalvig is leaving and that the university will love an "important and valuable resource person." He adds that freedom of expression is important at the university and that disagreement is "crucial for a democratic society." At the same time, he acknowledges that people "must also be prepared to withstand objections and criticism", even though "all opinions should be met with respect and objectivity."


Kalvig acknowledges to Vart Land that academic experts should be prepared for criticism and that she is "used to harsh debates and opposition." However, she strongly feels that this situation is different now. "There is an inappropriate exchange of words that is about taking people and not arguments. There is a paradigm shift in the perception of reality that is not being addressed. One refuses to discuss what this case complex is about."

One of the hardest parts about her leave is that her future is uncertain, Kalvig says. She is currently working on a book, which will be published in autumn. But after that, the future is open. "It is unusual for professors to resign", she says. "But my integrity says I cannot avoid doing it."



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