Like all autocrats, Belarussian President Lukashenko is using the school as an instrument for this regime. Zmicier Chviedaruk explains that this is a real challenge for Christians.
As a mother, I often find myself repeating to myself, "I can't do this", "I can't be a good mother", "I'm weak at that": I'm not enough!"
The smartphone is useful. But in school, it impacts social interaction and the concentration of pupils. Therefore, more and more countries ban the device from the classroom.
Children learn at school where they spend a significant amount of time. However, learning does not only happen when textbooks are open, Anna argues.
More and more kids Czechia receive homeschooling. So are Jitka Evanova's children. This has been the way to let the twins flourish, writes Jitka just before twins go to a real school for secondary education.
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