
Unity as a false flag for propaganda



Dominic Potters

Performers hold up hoops in the shape of the Olympic rings on a floating platform on the river Seine during the opening ceremony. Photo AFP, Stefan Wermuth

With the opening ceremony of the Olympics came a wave of disbelief. From woke protagonists to open mockery of Christianity, the festivities on and around the river Seine will be remembered for a long time and not for the right reasons. But Christians are ready to speak up.

After the French protests against Nakamura representing their country as one of the main acts, you would think that the Olympic committee would take some things into account, right? Not quite.

During the opening, a scene took place that resembled the Last Supper. Instead of Jesus and his disciples, the table was filled with trans people and drag queens in all forms and shapes. The imagery can't be mistaken, with the table being set in the same particular way, the central figure wearing something that resembled Christ's halo and the apostles.

Due to the outrage, they were forced to apologise for showing disrespect towards "religious groups", but the damage has already been done.

During the preparations of the event, reports surfaced that the French government was adhering to the woke agenda by getting rid of as many Christian crosses on the city's buildings as possible. The so-called reason behind this action? Creating a more inclusive image of Paris.

False flag operation

The freedom of religion is set in the stones of the European treaties, but what can believers do when their beliefs are being censored and ridiculed? Nothing. Because every mockery or attack is covered under the flag of unity, inclusivity and diversity. As if it is a cloak of invisibility, governments, companies and institutions hide under it and give into this agenda.

By slapping a rainbow on their logos during pride month, setting gender quotas for desirable positions or hiring diversity and inclusivity officers, woke-induced emotions seem to control their actions.


What else could have motivated them to put a bearded trans(wo)man in the spotlights during the final act of the ceremony? Imagine being Céline Dion, coming back after the hardship she had to go through, to be disrespected in this way by sharing the stage with these caricatures.

Imagine being a proud Parisian, seeing your local church partially being edited out of the Olympics footage. Imagine being a parent, watching the opening ceremony with your kids, and having to explain to them that bearded women are not real.

By neglecting the Christian cultural heritage of the city, Macron and co uncovered their progressive liberal views once more, making a stance against the faith that made way for said culture. Despite the importance of Christian landmarks –remember the support for the Notre Dame when it was burning down– the Parisians saw their home dramatically changed.

The only Christian part of the ceremony can be seen in the form of the refugee team that took part in the presentation of the national delegations. They would say that this is peak inclusivity, but I would argue against this. It has never been right nor left to take care of those who are in need.

Having to leave your home country because of war, conflicts, or the chance of being persecuted for who you are is one of the most terrible things a human being can encounter. If anything highlights the importance of Christianity in this event, it would be the fact that it laid the fundamentals for a society where the whole world feels safe when in danger, to find safety and solidarity when needed the most.

Forgiveness is a strength, not a weakness

Could and should the organisers of the Olympic opening scenes have used other elements for the ceremony? I think nobody would argue that, knowing that they figured this out themselves.

But the real questions that we should ask ourselves are: did we Christians become an easy target because we are a religion of peace? Because we keep turning the other cheek? Is our faith inherently filled with weakness, waiting to be preyed upon? I don't think so!

Seeing the wave of reactions after the toe-curling scenes of last Friday, it is clear that Christians all over the world are ready to speak up, especially in Europe. With the recurrence of Christianity in Generation Z and Generation Alpha in a lot of European countries, the woke-left tries to make a final stance to prevent an even bigger portion of the young population finding the right path in their lives. These generations choose meaning and values, instead of falling for the progressive views the educational system pushes upon them.

Let us hope that their paths will not be intervened, and that Europe can rise above itself, as it once did. To the Olympic committee, I would like to say the following: thank you for showing us your true colours, and we will keep praying for all of you!

Dominic Potters (1995) is an entrepreneur, a philosophy student at the KU in Leuven (Belgium) and a board member of the European Christian Political Youth (ECPYouth)



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