
An anniversary is a perfect moment to celebrate marriage


Christian Life

Chiara Lamberti, CNE.news

Photo iStock, Canva.com

My husband and I recently celebrated our seventh wedding anniversary. I would have loved to go on a romantic date. To go out alone with my husband, maybe to a nice restaurant and have some free time to be together.

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Sometimes, we celebrate our anniversary with a special day just for us, but this year, it was not possible. We had to work, and the kids were with us.

Still, there were some special moments during the day. We looked at the wedding photos together with the children, explained to them why it was a special day for us, and thanked God in prayer for the wedding. At the end of the day, I thought it was not a "wasted" anniversary.


We don't often talk about marriage with our children. They are both under five, and it is not in their best interest. Yet, I realised that it is important for them to see their parents' marriage as a gift from God.

I don't know if knowing that their parents thank the Lord for their marriage will affect the children in the long run. But it is certainly our responsibility as parents to show them that.

No marriage is perfect, not even ours. But as our children grow up in a society that devalues this institution, celebrating a wedding anniversary as a gift from God can be an important seed planted in their hearts.

It does not mean that they will marry as adults or that we will be their model of marriage, but it does mean that we will proclaim the Gospel through gratitude to the Lord and through obedience to His command to be faithful and devoted husbands and wives.


Marriage is a God-created institution. In His plan, at creation, the Lord provided for a man and a woman to come together to live together. The Bible tells us that marriage is an image of the relationship between Christ and His Church. To live with this awareness is a blessing not only for the couple but for everyone.

I still love the idea of celebrating a wedding anniversary with a special couple's day; I still believe that it is good to take some time to reflect on our roles as husband and wife, but sometimes that doesn't happen!

So, even if we celebrate the anniversary at home and spend the evening with the children, the Lord can use this occasion to bless the family. And maybe one day, it will have a positive impact on other marriages!



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