Southern Europe: Former political party leader marches with law in Malta

March in Italy. Photo AFP, Alberto Pizzoli
Southern Europe
Some use emotional narratives in the march against abortion, but Ivan Grech Mintoff prefers to bring out the law. Malta is one of the few E.U. states to have an almost complete abortion ban, but the topic remains widely debated among pro-abortion groups and political parties.
"According to law, presently abortion is illegal," he says, emphasising his position on an embryo being a person with legal rights. "This is fundamental to our argument. The person's life is protected from conception right up to our Constitution," he says.
Mintoff is the former head of the ABBA party, which has held strong views against abortion. Instead of holding marches, the party collected signatures to hold a national referendum to enshrine its abortion ban into law. In 2023, the Council of Europe voted to allow abortions in cases "when the pregnant woman is at risk." Still, Mintoff sees that directive as illegal and encroaching on the exceptions already outlined in its national ban. Another organisation organised the March for Life Malta.
Although he has resigned from the ABBA party, he has not given up on collecting the required number of signatures for a national referendum. Mintoff is confident that most of his population will vote to make abortion illegal and revert to the old laws, which ensure the safety of the woman and protect the unborn, he says.
Even though the Council of Europe has stated that Malta had no exceptions, Mintoff disagrees and says that the mother's life is already protected under its current national laws.
The Human Rights Commissioner (Dunja Mijatović) on the Council of Europe (CoE) wanted to proceed with amending the words when the mother's health and life are in danger, which is vague, unnecessary and opens up the "golden wedge" that will bring in more abortions against the will of the people, according to Mintoff.
He also says that Malta is facing three sources of European pressure: the European Parliament (E.P.), the European Commission (E.C.), and the Council of Europe (CoE). In April, the E.U. parliament voted to "enshrine the right to abortion" in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. It also called on Malta to repeal measures that ban or restrict abortion, according to an Independent report.
"The key point is that the E.U. and the Council of Europe cannot regulate and issue directives on abortion, and yet it is doing so illegally and against its international treaties. If you have a written agreement and interfere in those decisions, then it is illegal," he says.
But the CoE has not stopped at Malta's exceptions. The Human Rights Commissioner also wants to see Malta legalise abortion despite the nation's constitutional ban.
Despite European pressure, Mintoff says that he will do what it takes to fight for life at conception in his country. He is willing to take the recent directive to the European Court of Human Rights if necessary. He is also seeking international cooperation with like-minded people who are willing to listen to his legal argument, as he believes this will also serve other European countries in this regard.
"I fight to win. It is quite a challenge, but the laws and the treaties are on our side. I'm absolutely convinced we can win this one," he says.
Marches for life in Southern Europe
What: Hod za život)or Walk for Life
Where: 12 cities, including Zagreb
Organiser: Hod za život organising committee
When: June
Marching since: 2016
No march data exists for Greece, but the initiative, Αφήστε με να ζήσω! "Let Me Live!" have placed posters with pro-life slogans inside several metro stations in Athens. Source: iefimerida
What: Manifestazione Nazionale Per la Vita or Demonstration for Life
Where: Rome
Organiser: Manifestazione Nazionale Per la Vita organising committee
When: June
Marching since: 2022
What: Marcia Nazionale per la Vita or National March for Life
Where: Rome
Organiser: Marcia Nazionale per la Vita organising committee
When: June
Marched since: 2011-2022
What: Caminhada pela Vida (Walk for Life)
Where: Nine cities, including Lisbon
Organiser: Portuguese Federation for Life (PFL)
When: March
Marching since: 2012
What: Marcha Si a la Vida (in English: Yes To Life March)
Where: Madrid
Organiser: Spanish Federation of Pro-Life Associations
When: March
Marching since: 2011
San Marino:
No march data available.
No march data available.
No march data available.
North Macedonia:
What: Jeta e fëmijëve, jo abortit or Children's life, not abortion march
Where: Skopje
Organiser: Mbrojtjen e të drejtave të fëmijëve or Protection of Children's Rights
When: November
Marched in: 2014
No march data available.
What: Marċ għall-Ħajja or March for Life
Where: Valletta
Organiser: Life Network Foundation Malta
When: December
Marching since: 2021
What: Marshim për Jetën or March for Life and against surrogacy in Albania.
Where: Tirana, Durres, and Kamza
Organiser: Albanian Pro-life and Family Commission
When: June
Marching since: 2024
Bosnia and Herzegovina:
What: Staza ljubavi za nerođene or Walk of Love for the Unborn Where: A school in Mostar
Organiser: Elizabeta Rezic, a teacher at the Sestre Milosrdnice Secondary Medical School
When: May
Marched in: 2023
What: БЕОГРАЂАНИ ПРОТИВ АБОРТУСА or Citizens of Belgrade Against Abortion
Where: Belgrade
Organiser: Српког народног покрета 1389 or Serbian People's Movement of 1389
Marched on only one occasion in April: 2015
No march data available.
No march data available.
Feel free to let us know if some data need to be corrected or added. This overview is open for change.
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