Last week, the regional government of Tuscany passed a law that allows assisted suicide under very strict conditions. Tuscany is thus the first Italian region to respond to an urgent request from the constitutional court.

The protection of human life is seen as the most fundamental value in the Western civilisation.
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The protection of human life is seen as the most fundamental value in the Western civilisation. Especially in the Western world, the human dignity is rooted in the Christian ethics that sees life as holy since it is given by God.
The human dignity is the basis of the right to life in most human rights treaties. The right to life is the basis of all other liberties.
The protection of life is usually understood as a defence of the human dignity even before birth. Human rights treaties work from a legal perspective and give rights only to people who have been born. But from a moral point of view, it goes further and sees that also unborn life is worth of protection. This is the ethical basis of the fight against abortion.
The protection of life is also used against the termination of life in situations of terminally illness (euthanasia or assisted suicide).
The legal implication of the protection of life is the political claim that the state (on the one hand) should take all measures to safeguard and protect human life, even if it is vulnerable. And (on the other hand) may never take measures that will end human life.
This position is shortly described as "pro-life".