Expectation for better position of Evangelicals in Southern Spain

The Evangelical representatives Gomez and Martinez (left) during a meeting with deputy minister Antonio Sanz. Photo Facebook
Southern Europe
It seems that the Evangelical Council in Andalusia, in the south of Spain, is making progress in talks with the regional government. The authorities accept about 90 per cent of the requests. There might be an agreement at the end of 2022.
The news platform Protestante Digital reports about the negotiations, that have been going on for a long time already.
On Wednesday, the CEAA (Consejo Evangélico Autonómico de Andalucia) will meet again with the deputy minister of the presidency, Antonio Sanz. The expectations are high, as two Protestants say. Luciano Gomez and Benito Martinez see that “there is a will to continue advancing.”
The French news platform Evangeliques Info reports that the CEAA requested in particular equal treatment for Evangelicals and Catholics in prisons, financial aids for churches that wish to bring social assistance, or the right to open a radio station and Evangelical television channels.
Andalusia is known as a very pious area in the Catholic country of Spain. Believers in the region are very active in the devotion of Mary. In all regions of Spain, Evangelicals have had to fight for their legal position within the framework of religious freedom.
Normalisation of freedom
Gomez and Martinez hope “to be able to close the negotiation with a framework agreement that will serve us, on the one hand, to advance in the normalisation of religious freedom in our region, and on the other, to equate the practice of our faith in equality with other confessions or even with other citizen groups.”
“Therefore, we are very hopeful, in the new time that the Lord opens for us, and that we give all the glory to our good God”, conclude the CEAA representatives.
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