
European church leaders: All refugees should be welcome


European Union


Ukrainian evacuees queue as they wait for further transport at the Medyka border crossing. Photo AFP, Angelos Tzortzinis

At the initiative of the European Commission on Migration of Churches (CCME), a statement has been made on receiving refugees. It has been signed by a large number of European church leaders.

The church leaders state that they are delighted to see how Ukrainian refugees are warmly welcomed by "individuals, groups, organisations, and churches." They call the initiatives to help Ukrainians "a sign of hope and encouragement in dark times."

However, they plead for the equal reception of all refugees. The church leaders see this as a Biblical commitment. They refer to Paul's letter to the Hebrews, where the apostle writes that Christians should not "neglect to show hospitality to strangers" because they might "entertain angels without knowing."

According to the European church leaders, the duty to receive refugees arises from "the connection and relationship with God." Therefore, in their opinion, all refugees should be welcomed "regardless of origin, the colour of skin, gender, ability or residence status."

The statement concludes by expressing the hope that the welcome of the Ukrainian refugees will serve as an example for the reception of refugees in the future.

Church leaders from under more Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain have signed the statement.



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