Rabbi criticises Ukrainian vote for nuclear disarmament of Israel

Rabbi Moshe Reuven Azman. Photo Facebook, ief rabbi of Ukraine - Головний Рабин України
Eastern Europe
The General Assembly of the United Nations voted for a motion that called for the nuclear disarmament of the state of Israel on Friday. Ukraine was one of the countries that supported the proposal. However, its Chief Rabbi, Moshe Reuven Azman, calls this move a stab in the back of Israel.
Israelis perceive the Ukrainian vote as an unfriendly act, the Chief Rabbi writes in a statement that he published on Facebook. He warns that Ukraine's position can "cross out years of cooperation, support and negotiations."
That is problematic, according to him, because Ukraine needs Israeli military help to counter the Russian invasion. If Ukraine had at least abstained in the UN during the voting on this resolution, such a step by Ukraine would have been perceived in Jerusalem differently - as a friendly gesture," he stressed, as reported by IRP.
The motion that called for Israel's nuclear disarmament was initiated by the Palestinian authorities and 19 other states, such as Jordan, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. A total of 152 countries voted in favour of the proposal.
The motion stated that Israel is one of the few countries that has not signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. The countries that supported the motion called Israel to transfer its nuclear facilities under the control of the IAEA, the body that checks the nuclear plants.
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