Russian President signs decree on traditional values

Photo AFP, Hazem Bader
Eastern Europe
The Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree approving a state policy that will "preserve and consolidate traditional Russian spiritual and ethical values".
Russian tradional values are "moral guidelines that form the worldview of Russian citizens, transmitted from generation to generation, underlying the all-Russian civic identity and the country's unified cultural space". This reports the Russian press agency Interfax. These values "strengthen civil unity and find their unique, original manifestation in the spiritual, historical and cultural development of the multinational people of Russia". The document also names several from these values: a strong family, service to the Fatherland, collectivism and the priority of the spiritual over the material.
The document further states that Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions have had a significant impact on the formation of traditional values common to believers and non-believers. "A special role in the formation and strengthening of traditional values belongs to Orthodoxy", the doctrine says.
However, these values are under a threat. The document states that "the actions of the United States and other unfriendly countries, transnational corporations and NGOs, among other things, pose a threat to the traditional values of the Russian Federation".
The spread of a destructive ideology, among other things, entails risks of providing preconditions for society's self-destruction and socio-cultural stratification, implanting anti-social behavior stereotypes, spreading immoral lifestyles, growing consumption of alcohol and narcotic drugs, distorting historical truth, undermining confidence in government institutions, and forming negative attitudes toward military service, it says according to Interfax.
The strategy is also aimed at bolstering law and order, "forming a safe informational environment, protecting Russian society from the spread of destructive ideology, attaining national development goals, and increasing Russia's international prestige".
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