
Production of movie on Protestant persecution in Soviet Union resumed


Eastern Europe


Photo Pravda PRO

Protestants suffered many hardships in the Soviet Union. The Ukrainian Pravda PRO production studio has started to work on a documentary that shows their life. Recently, they resumed the production.

Pravda PRO production studio has been filming for the documentary for several years already, as reported by Insider Media. It started with interviews with eyewitnesses and shot several sketches for the movie. Last January, the company made some scenes about Soviet repression in the town of Volodymyr.

In March, the next filming was supposed to take place. However, the Russian invasion disturbed these plans. “Everything had to be postponed until an indefinite period”, director of the film, Serhii Sharayevskyi, reflects to Insider Media.

At the same time, he says to realise that filming should be resumed because “what is happening today and how the Russian Federation looks now is reminiscent of the path that the Soviet Union took.” He points out that there are similarities in propaganda and repression methods.

The documentary is supposed to be finished in the course of next year, Svitogliad writes.

The film covers a long period of Soviet history, from its beginning to its collapse. During that time, Protestants were persecuted as the Communist regime strove for an atheist society. The documentary is to show the stories of real people who suffered because of their convictions.



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