Romanian Bible Museum finally gets a permanent place

Two children look at one of the Bibles in the museum. Photo ASOCIAȚIA RENAȘTEREA FAMILIEI
Eastern Europe
The Museum of the Bible in Romania will finally get its own premises.
The museum has existed for over two decades already, but now finally gets its own space in the City Hall of the Romanian town of Timisoara. That is reported by StiriCrestine.
The Family Revival Association that runs the Bible Museum gets access to one of the rooms in the building where it can set up its exhibition, which consists of more than 1,100 items. The museum will be the first of its kind in Romania.
The Bible Museum is the initiative of Baptist pastor Ionel Tuțac, Tribuna reports. The pastor is also the owner of the Bibles of the collection that contains several special exemplars of the Scriptures. One example is a copy of the Bible that has travelled to the moon and back with astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Furthermore, Tuțac also has a micro-Bible keychain and a Bible printed in 1475.
The city of Timișoara has hosted several temporary Bible exhibitions in the past, Tribuna writes. The expositions attracted thousands of tourists, according to the website.
Mayor Dominic Fritz says to be glad that the museum now has a permanent space in the city centre. “It is a unique project for Romania, and I am confident that it will attract visitors not only from the country but also from abroad”, he says to StiriCrestine.
Pastor Ionel Tuțac adds that he appreciates the openness of the mayor to his project. “It will address everyone, regardless of religious denomination, ethnicity, social and educational training or age.”
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