Middle-class European considers family most important

Family. Image not related to article. Photo Unsplash, Jessica Rockowitz
European Union
The average middle-class European sees family still as the most essential value. A representative survey by the German Konrad Adenauer Stiftung shows that traditional values still bloom among this group of people.
The survey is named “Views and prospects of the EU from the bourgeois middle of Europe”. It took place among citizens from twelve EU countries, such as Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Spain. It was carried out last November and December, Idea reports. In total, 1,500 people filled in a questionnaire with 25 questions.
Of them, 59 per cent said that family was their most important value. Especially in Lithuania (76 per cent), Poland (74 per cent) and Croatia (per cent), it was mentioned. In Germany, only 50 per cent said that family was most important for them. Even most young people (18-29 years) values family. About 65 per cent mentions it as the most essential value.
Surprisingly, religion is valued the least among middle-class centre to centre-right Europeans. In total, only 8 per cent mentioned it as most important.
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