Norwegian research: Lesbian marriages most unstable

Research shows lesbian marriages are not stable. Photo AFP, Cornelius Poppe
Northern Europe
Lesbian married spouses have the highest chance of divorcing. Norwegian research shows lesbian women break up more often than gay or hetero couples.
According to the study, 59.1 per cent of the marriages between women in 2003 had ended in divorce by 2018. That is reported by Aftenposten and Dagen.
During the five years of marriage, lesbian spouses have twice the risk of divorce compared to heterosexual marriages. Only after 25 years of marriage this difference seems to be gone, the study shows. Same-sex male couples only have an 8 per cent higher chance of getting divorced than heterosexual couples in that same period. Senior researcher Ruhne Zahl Olsen is not surprised by the results. They have been the same in other countries, he says to Aftenposten.
A remarkable conclusion of the report is that same-sex couples in rural areas have a higher chance of divorcing. In addition, same-sex couples in the countryside break up quicker than in urban areas.
For the survey, 5,187 same-sex couples and marriages entered between 1993 and 2018 were examined.
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