
Baptists to Putin: Do not use nuclear weapon


Eastern Europe


The Baptist Union in Russia calls the Kremlin to stop the military operation in Ukraine. Picture of a Baptist church in Kramatorsk in July 2022. Photo AFP, Miguel Medina

The Baptist Union in Russia calls for the Kremlin not to use a nuclear weapon. The statement was published late last week.

The Baptist Union of Evangelical Christian-Baptists fears the "world is on the brink of a nuclear catastrophe". They, therefore, urge President Putin not to deploy "chemical or nuclear weapons", according to the declaration.

The union refers to an older statement from 1955 expressing "disgust" at the destructive power of the atomic weapon. The same message back then called for the "abolition" of this instrument.


The statement comes not only from Russia but is also supported by the Baptist World Alliance (BWA). The European Baptist Federation (EBF) has also signed the declaration. Also, it is directed not only to President Putin but also to the Ukrainian President Zelensky, the French President Macron and the American President Biden. The main message, however, seems to be directed to Russia.

As a joint "Baptist family", the organisations call for an "immediate cessation of hostilities in Ukraine." "We tell the world about our deep feeling that war as a means of conflict resolution is unacceptable. We believe that any peace that is not based on justice is as unsustainable as it is dangerous."

The churches regret that "we have been able to achieve so little peace and have witnessed so much violence and bloodshed in our time."

Baptists are "shocked" by the massive loss of life in Ukraine. Many houses and roads have been destroyed, "including undefended houses of worship." "We mourn the thousands of soldiers who served in the Russian and Ukrainian armed forces and who died or were wounded in this war. However, we still believe that there is a future where nations can live in harmony and peace. As Jesus said: Love your neighbour as yourself."


The churches also call for "exemption" for Christians who have conscientious objections to military deployment. "The Constitution of the Russian Federation ensures such a right for its citizens," the statement said. The Baptists promise to pray "for kings and all those in power."



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