German Interior Minister wants to limit refugee intake
Protestor wrapped in Ukrainian flags hold placards reading "Stop Putler" and "Europe, do you need more refugees?" stand in front of Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to demonstrate for peace in Ukraine. Photo AFP, Odd Andersen
Central Europe
As the influx of refugees continues to increase, municipalities are reaching the limit of capability in receiving them. Time to take action, Brandenburg's Minister of Interior Affairs, Michael Stübgen (CDU), argues right before the first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
"Our recording system is at the limit", Stübgen stated on Wednesday during a meeting of the state parliament in Potsdam. He pleaded for action to "prevent an imminent migration collapse" and the overwhelming of municipalities. According to Stübgen, that means that migration should be limited, as the available accommodation spaces are almost full. That is reported by the German newspaper Berliner Zeitung.
To lighten the burden on the immigration service and refugee accommodations in Germany, Stübgen wants more attention to the repatriation of immigrants who cannot get a permit to stay in the country, Evangelische Zeitung writes.
In addition, Stübgen wants that the starting point of accommodating refugees is based on respect for human dignity. He mentions that this should be seen in housing and care, as well as in the whole process. According to the CDU politician, for example, everyone has the right to have the rejection of their asylum request legally reviewed. Also, people should be convinced to leave the country voluntarily instead of being forcefully deported, he added.
Last year, municipalities in the state of Brandenburg took in about 39,000 refugees, BZ reports. Most of them came from Ukraine. The last time the state received a peak in refugees was in 2015. However, now, the number exceeds that previous high by approximately 13,000 people. According to estimates, Brandenburg will take in close to 26,000 refugees this year, Berliner Zeitung writes.
The Brandenburg Minister of Interior points out that his state is not the only one encountering capacity problems in receiving refugees. The situation is difficult nationwide, he points out.
Also, left-wing MP Andrea Johlige thinks that municipalities should receive more resources to be able to accommodate a large number of refugees. She pleads for more social infrastructure, more staff in schools, and more housing, Rbb24 reports.
According to SPD MP Björn Lütteman, it is impossible to reduce the number of refugees, seen the many crises and wars in the world. Instead, he points out that Germany should use the benefits migrants bring along, such as potential manpower. "Migration is a win-win situation if we do it right", he says.
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