
Truck driver acquitted from hate slogans, because “they are true”


Central Europe


The slogans on the van were deemed to be true by a Polish judge. They read that the LGBT lobby teaches 4-year-olds how to masturbate, 6-year-olds to give sexual consent and 9-year-olds how to orgasm. Photo Fundacja Pro - Prawo do Życia

A Polish van driver who publicly spoke out against the rainbow community was acquitted by an appeal court.

Earlier, a district court found Mariusz Dzierzawski guilty of hate speech. The foreman of a pro-life organisation had been driving around with slogans on his van that linked homosexuality to paedophilia during the Pride Parade in 2019. That is reported by Notes from Poland. In addition, he had written on his vehicle that homosexuals molest children, that the “rainbow plague” must be stopped and that the LGBT lobby teaches children as young as 4 to masturbate, give sexual consent and orgasm. For these slogans, the district court ruled, Dzierzawski had to pay a fine of about 1,300 euros and a compensation of 668 euros for defamation.


Now, the judge of the appeal court ruled that these slogans were not a case of hate speech. Instead, the court ruled that the messages on the van were true. Ordo Luris, a conservative group that provided the driver with legal support, said the court “recognised as proven the truthfulness of the slogans [such as] homosexuals much more often molest children.” In addition, it announced that the judge found the sentence “Stop the rainbow plague” to fall within the range of free speech.

However, the LGBT organisation that organised the Pride parade in 2019 and its lawyer have announced they will go into appeal. Lawyer Wierchowicz calls the ruling “outrageous, scandalous and nothing to do with reality.”



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