Denmark provides more treatments to childless women

An employee of the laboratory of reproductive biology. Photo AFP, Philippe Lopez
Northern Europe
The Danish government wants to increase the country's birth rate, which is currently declining. Therefore, it provides childless couples with more free treatments at fertility clinics.
Nowadays, one in eight children is born with the help of a fertility clinic, Jyllands Posten writes. A few years ago, this number was only one in ten that comes into the world with the help of test tube treatment or insemination, for example.
However, the Danish government wants to increase the number of children in the country in general, as the birth rate has been lagging for some while. In addition, the average age of women for their first child is rising.
Therefore, the Danish Minister of Health, Sophie Løhde, has presented a plan to help more couples who struggle with involuntary childlessness. The government wants to offer six test tube trials instead of three, for example. "We will increase the number of test tube attempts because we know that the chance of succeeding in having a child increases significantly", she says, as reported by Kristeligt Dagblad.
In addition, news broke recently that a majority of the Folketing also wants to make it possible for women to freeze their egg cells for a more extended period. Today, eggs can only be frozen for five years, but there are voices who argue this should be increased until the woman turns 46. If this proposal is adopted, as expected, the law change will enter into force on January 2024, Kristeligt Dagblad writes. It will include women who want their eggs removed to ensure the possibility of getting pregnant later in life. Currently, the treatment is only available if it is necessary for a medical reason.
According to the Minister, reduced fertility "is one of the most widespread diseases", and one in four couples want to become parents but have trouble conceiving a child. In total, 45 million DKK (a little over 6 million euros) will be reserved for the initiative.
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